Monday 9 April 2018

Buhari secure soft landing for Oyegun, others....

…as Oyegun Laments Character Assasination

President Muhammadu Buhari on Monday secured a soft landing for members of the National Working Committee of the All Progressives Congress (APC) and leaders of the party at various levels when he appealed for waiver for them to re-contest the party position instead of resigning their position before doing so as provided for by the party constitution.
Buhari spoke just as the National Chairman of the party; Chief John Odigie Oyegun laments what he regarded as virulent attacks and character assassination against his person, adding that he was restrained from seeking redress by his position as Chairman because such action would have adverse effect on the party.

Buhari secure soft landing for Oyegun, others

Addressing a meeting of the National Executive Committee meeting of the party, President Buhari said waiver should also be extended to executives at the Ward level whose tenures may have elapsed, and indeed to anyone knocking at our doors from other political parties.
He commended members of the technical committee set up to advice the party on the issue of tenure elongation for doing a good job, saying their recommendation “shows a great sense of commitment to the ideals of our party with a view to consolidating and positioning the party to continue delivering good governance in the overall interest of Nigerians.

“With the present state of the party and based on the report submitted by the Technical Committee, It is important to focus on how to move the party forward by avoiding actions detrimental to the interest of the party. Considering that politics is a game of numbers, we must not be a house divided against itself and must try to note, appreciate and accommodate our differences as far as the law permits.
“Upon my review of the Report, my position is to ensure that the party tows the path of unity, legality and cohesion and not that of division. Therefore, I am stressing that we should strengthen our internal democracy by organising the Party’s Congresses and Convention where election of National Executive Committee members would be held. This will automatically end the cases filed by members seeking orders of Court compelling the party to hold its Congresses.
“I also believe that the current executives should be free to vie for elective positions in the party if they so wish as permitted by our Party constitution. However, considering the provision of Article 31(1)(iii) of the APC Constitution which requires any serving officer desirous of seeking re-election to resign from office 30 days before election, I am not sure of the practicality of present serving officers’ ability to meet this condition.
“Accordingly, the party may consider granting waivers to party executives at all levels so that they are not disenfranchised from participating in the elections should they wish to do so, provided this does not violate our rules.

“Necessary waiver(s) should also be extended to executives at the Ward level whose tenures may have elapsed, and indeed to anyone knocking at our doors from other political parties. This is in the spirit of the Right to Freedom of Association guaranteed by the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria (as amended).
“In this circumstance, the party should officially issue a statement on the above Waivers so that our house may be full. We all must not be ignorant of the times, and the journey that is ahead of us.
“Just like our party symbol; “the Broom,” which typifies strength in unity, let us strive to remain united in our purpose. Victory is sure by the Grace of God, and together we must continue to sanitize Nigeria’s political environment.”
In his remarks, Chairman of the party, Chief John Odigie Oyegun said the experience of the last few days has made clear that “the enormous task in our hands as we go into the elections next year”, adding that “the progressive ideology that we stand for must be an enduring political order in Nigeria, we who occupy this space now, as founding fathers, must be willing to make real sacrifices to lay a solid foundation for generation to come.”
Oyegun said: “In the past few days, I have read news reports and all manner of comments and opinions that have tried to frame the majority decision of NEC as an attempt to primarily source “tenure elongation” for Oyegun and the NWC. This is quite unfortunate because nothing could be further from the truth.
“We are looking for ways to minimize rancor in the party ahead of the next general elections and we are looking for ways to save the party from potential legal booby traps. These are both valid considerations. The challenge that we have faced has been how to reconcile the two in the best interest of the party.
“On a personal note, I have had to endure virulent media attacks, malicious insinuations and outright character assassination. However, the responsibility imposed on me by my position as the National Chairman of the party demand that I rise above my Personal pains and refuse to yield to the temptation to react in a name that potentially complicates the situation for our party. However, I will like to urge everyone else to remember that regardless of our ambitions and personal, interests, the party is greater than all of us.
“These sacrifices require of us to discipline our personal ambitions and selfish interests. If we do this, it would be easier for us to forge consensus and reach compromise, even on issues that appear to divide us.
“I must say that disagreements, debates and contentions are the hallmarks of progressive politics. Therefore, let no one tell you that our party was about to collapse only because we disagree. Our strength however will continue to rest on our ability to forge consensus even from apparently irreconcilable issues.
If anything, what our experience in the last few days has confirmed is that we can disagree without being disagreeable and that our party may be young, but we remain the bastion of progressive politics in Nigeria”.

Via (The Nation)

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