Tuesday 24 May 2016

Armed Policemen Seal Off PDP National Secretariat Over Leadership Crisis (Photos)........

The crisis and internal dissent among the top echelons of the Peoples’ Democratic Party (PDP) have taken a new dimension as heavily armed policemen were seen to have sealed off the Wadata Plaza National secretariat of the party on Saturday in Abuja.
 Armed policemen seal off the National Headquarters of the PDP at the Wadata Plaza, Abuja.
It was gathered that the armed law enforcement officers took over the premises earlier today apparently to prevent any of the members of the National Working Committee from gaining entrance to the building.
Five police vehicles, comprising two trucks and two pick up vans blocked access on both end of the street directly in front of the secretariat, while about 28 policemen were seen around the building, turning back people from entering the premises.

The rationale behind this may not be unconnected to the current leadership tussle within the hegemony of the opposition party’s fold, which has culminated into an imbroglio, evident in the two parallel conventions in Abuja and Port Harcourt on Saturday.
The conventions produced three sets of leaders.
While the party’s national officers led by former Borno Governor, Ali Sheriff, were sacked and an interim team announced in Port Harcourt, the Abuja convention appointed a former Deputy Senate President, Ibrahim Mantu, as acting national chairman.

Via NaijaLoaded

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