Now go ahead and call me a tribalist or whatever you like. It matters not to me. I have the same feeling for and pride in my people as the Scots in the United Kingdom have in theirs. The only difference is that they are in a civilised clime where they have been given the opportunity to exercise their right of self-determination by the conduct of a free and fair people’s referendum to determine whether they wish to remain in their country or not, whilst we have not been given that opportunity.
As a matter of fact the very suggestion or thought of secession and the exercise of our right of self-determination to leave Nigeria is not only frowned upon and met with utter disdain and contempt by those who would wish to hold us captive forever but it is also despised by their collaborators within our own ranks who have cultivated a slave mentality that is borne out of what is known as the ”Stockholm Syndrome”.
Yet regardless of that our time will come because our aspirations are perfectly legitimate and lawful. There is no shame in wanting to be on your own and wanting the very best for your people. I am not a tribalist because I look down on no other but I am a Yoruba nationalist because I believe that the Yoruba are very different to most. We have a date with destiny and if we wish to keep that date I am convinced that we must remove the weights, break the chains, strengthen our resolve and get out of Nigeria.
I do not believe that we should dominate anyone or rule over anyone else. I do however believe, and strongly too, that no-one has the right to rule over us or dominate us any longer and I intend to dedicate the rest of my life to resisting such an agenda either within or without a united Nigeria. I am bound by the hopes and aspirations of the yoruba people and whatever they wish to do or opt to do is the cause that I, together with many other loyal and courageous leaders and men of integrity from the west in the new generation, shall do. For us it is either victory or death.
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