Now read….
Edith Ike Okongwu (of blessed memory) had a steamy affair with ex head of state General Yakubu Gowon and their affair resulted in the conception and birth of Musa…
Edith lived with Gowon during the war till his people kicked her out for flimsy reasons and took young Musa away fromher.
She relocated to America but Many years later,she kidnapped him on a visit to Nigeria and took him back to America.
That move was probably wrong because young Musa became rebellious and didn’t approve of his mothers single and flamboyant lifestyle.
Musa eventually became One of the highest ranking member/ business partner of a Colombian drug cartel.He lived a rich and flamboyant lifestyle until he was caught.
During his trial,the he was offered a deal to rat on the people he worked with but he refused and there was outrage,his people were angry with him for not betraying the people he worked with but young Musa argued that if he talked they would fish him out even in jail and snuff him out.he kept sealed lips and in 1993 in his early twenties,he was sentenced to jail..hard labour.
The funny thing is that Musa got into trouble,trying to get acceptance from his people and win his father’s love And when he was making money and spending it,he got the acceptance…albeit briefly….but was abandoned for slinging his family name in the mud.
Musa was 45 years old this year and he is still in jail but will be released next year 2014 after spending 20years in jail,whilst he was in jail,his mum passed on….
he will be released in a few months and deported back to the land he was born….Nigeria.
Musa asked his brother to open a Facebook page in his name because he wants to locate his family members and old friends.
Below his brothers introductory message and Musa’s
To all of Musa’s friends, this is his brother Richard Ike standing in place for him. Musa asked me to set-up a facebook page on his behalf so he could get back in contact with his long lost friends from the past. He has been incarceration for a while now and would love to hear from everybody. Bellow is the message he gave me to give to you all, from his heart to your heart.
”My dear beloved friends, brothers and sisters, it is with great joy and utmost humility that I greet you all today in our native tongues by intoning, “Ndi Igbo Kwenu, – Eku Ikale Gbogbo Arawa, – Gasuwa.” I have unfortunately been incommunicado for a number of years from you all… my dear friends, and frankly speaking, it is refreshing and an absolute delight to be back in touch. I was grateful, overwhelmed and overjoyed by all your many words of support and encouragement. I took all that was said to heart and it meant and means the world to me. I thank you all profusely from the bottom of my heart!!!
I noticed that many of you are trying to contact me, you can write me directly at:
Musa Gowon 97913-012 #A3D
Taft Correctional Institute
P.O.Box 7001
Taft, CA 93268
Nonetheless, I shall be in contact with you all as soon as I can figure out the logistics involved. In a house of bondage, under draconian conditions, I reside. Irrespective, I wish you all the best in all your various endeavours. May the Lord bless and guide you all and your families. Have a wonderful and fantastic day, and please write sometimes.
Best regards,
Musa Jack Gowon”
*He has paid the price for his crime,if you decide to cuss him out instead of learning from this,its your choice….freedom of expression is welcome on this blog.
*Musa,i hope you get to read this blog from jail in your free time.I am glad you realise your mistakes,it is only God that Judges ultimately,i pray he keeps you till next year when you come to the warm embrace of your mothers family and true friends who have missed you greatly….May God keep you.I hope you will organise seminars to teach people that if you do the crime,you will do the time as well.
I got really emotional doing this story…two decades in jail?wooow!
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